*Inclusion in the EOSL library does not guarantee Park Place can support that specific device.
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Upcoming Juniper EOSL Dates

Model EOSL Date
SRX5400X-B2 08 / 30 / 2027
SRX5400X-B3 08 / 30 / 2027
SRX5400X-B5-AC 08 / 30 / 2027
SRX5400X-B5-DC 08 / 30 / 2027
SRX5400X-B6-AC 08 / 30 / 2027
SRX5400X-B6-DC 08 / 30 / 2027
SRX5400X-B7-DC 08 / 30 / 2027
SRX5600-APPSEC1-BB 08 / 30 / 2027
SRX5600X-B10-AC 08 / 30 / 2027
SRX5800-APPSEC1-BB 08 / 30 / 2027