Solaris 11

End of Service Life
November 1, 2031
*Inclusion in the EOSL library does not guarantee Park Place can support that specific device.
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When the Solaris 11 EOL and EOSL hit, it will be critical to ensure you have a continuity plan for your IT systems. The OS creator may prefer that you buy their brand version, but there will likely be years of useful life residing in your legacy version that server management services can help you actualize. Park Place Technologies offers Oracle maintenance for IT managers that want to preserve their budget when the next Oracle EOL date arrives.

Contact our team for a quote on Solaris 11 end of life support today!

Upcoming Oracle OS EOSL Dates

Model EOSL Date
Linux 8 07 / 01 / 2029
Solaris 11 11 / 01 / 2031
Linux 9 07 / 01 / 2032